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Tianjin China Aluminum New Material Group Co., Ltd,The company is committed to providing customers with aluminum tube/forged seamless aluminum tube/aluminum square tube/aluminum elbow/aluminum plate/patterned aluminum plate/3 rib small patterned aluminum plate/aluminum coil/aluminum row/aluminum bar and other products, and providing you with a full set of high-quality services.
Years of industry experience has been highly praised by the industry
The products have undergone strict quality inspection, and those that are unqualified will never leave the factory.
Factory direct sales, the product price is reasonable, there is no middleman to make the difference
Professional technical support, always service
Our products
Aluminum tube more+
铝管是有色金属管的一种,指用纯铝或铝合金经挤压加工成沿其纵向全长中空的金属管状材料。铝管主要分为以下几种按外形分:方管、圆管、花纹管、异型管,环球铝管。按挤压方式分:无缝铝管和普通挤压管按精度分:普通铝管和 精密铝管,其中精密铝管一般需要在挤压后进行再加工,如冷拉精抽,轧制.按厚度分:普通铝管和薄壁铝管性能:耐腐蚀、重量轻。特性为一种高强度硬铝,可进行热处理强化,在退火、刚淬火和热状态下可塑性中等,点焊焊接性良好,用气焊和氩弧焊时铝管有形成晶间裂纹的倾向;铝管在淬火和冷作硬化后可切削性能尚好,在退火状态时不良。抗蚀性不高,常采用阳极氧化处理与涂漆方法或表面加包铝层以提高抗腐蚀能力。也可以作为模具材料使用…
Forged seamless aluminum tube more+
Aluminum square tube more+
Aluminum elbow more+
Aluminum plate more+
铝板,是指用纯铝或铝合金材料通过压力加工制成(剪切或锯切)的获得横断面为矩形,厚度均匀的矩形材料。铝板含是上海鲁尚铝板交易中心系列上习惯把厚度在0.2mm以上,500mm以下,200mm宽度以上,长度16m以内的铝材料称之为铝板材或者铝片材,0.2mm以下为铝材,200mm宽度以内为排材或者条材(当然随着大设备的进步,最宽可做到600mm的排材也比较多)。铝板是把厚度在0.2mm以上至500mm以下,200mm宽度以上,长度16m以内的铝材料称之为铝板材或者铝片材,0.2mm以下为铝材,200mm宽度以内为排材或者条材(当然随着大设备的进步,最宽可做到600mm的排材也比较多)。铝板是指用铝锭轧制加工而成的矩形板材,分为纯铝板,合金铝板,薄铝板,中厚铝板花纹铝板 作者:雨欣134…
Patterned aluminum plate more+
Aluminum coils more+
Aluminum row more+
1. 铝排节能作用好:具有五大优点:(1)铝排导热能力好:铝合金具有优良的导热能力,制冷剂的蒸发温度和铝排外表面温差会减小,蒸发温度会增高,压缩机的能效比增加,能耗减少;(2)铝排铝排结构特殊:铝合金翼片管的翼片与铝管平行,形成片状形状,成型的铝排将片状翼片管平行固定,组成了若干个平行通道,制冷系统工作时冷空气在通道内形成烟道效应,被加速下沉,对流加快,所以降温速度快,达到设定温度时压缩机停止运转,节省大量电能;铝排
Aluminum rod more+
铝棒是铝产品的一种,铝棒的熔铸包括熔化、提纯、除杂、除气、除渣与铸造过程。根据铝棒含有的金属元素不同,铝棒大概可以分为8个大类。铝(Al)是一种轻金属,其化合物在自然界中分布极广,地壳中铝的资源约为400~500 亿吨,仅次于氧和硅,居第三位。在金属品种中为第一大类金属。铝具有特殊的化学、物理特性,不仅重量轻、质地坚、而且具有良好的延展性、导电性、导热性、耐热性和耐核辐射性,是国民经济发展的重要基础原材料。铝是地球上含量极丰富的金属元素,其蕴藏量在金属中居第1位。至19世纪末,铝才崭露头角,成为在工程应用中具有竞争力的金属,且风行一时。航空、建筑、汽车三大重要工业的发展,要求材料特性具有铝及其合金的独特性质…
Oxidation equipment Aluminum coil inventory Aluminum strip inventory Aluminum square tube spot Aluminum tube spot Enterprise style
 Tianjin China Aluminum New Material Group Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise integrating processing, sales and integration, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation. Since its establishment, the company has built its brand by integrity, and has taken "science and technology as the source, customer-oriented, cooperation first, and win-win as the main" as the company's business philosophy. The company's main products: aluminum tube, forged seamless aluminum tube, aluminum square tube, aluminum elbow, aluminum plate, patterned aluminum plate, 3-rib small pattern aluminum plate, aluminum coil, aluminum row, aluminum rod and other products.
 Tianjin China Aluminum New Material Group Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise integrating processing, sales and integration, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation. Since its establishment, the company has built its brand by integrity, and has taken "science and technology as the source, customer-oriented, cooperation first, and win-win as the main" as the company's business philosophy. The company's main products: aluminum tube, forged seamless aluminum tube, aluminum square tube, aluminum elbow, aluminum plate, patterned aluminum plate, 3-rib small pattern aluminum plate, aluminum coil, aluminum row, aluminum rod and other products.
 Tianjin China Aluminum New Material Group Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise integrating processing, sales and integration, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation. Since its establishment, the company has built its brand by integrity, and has taken "science and technology as the source, customer-oriented, cooperation first, and win-win as the main" as the company's business philosophy. The company's main products: aluminum tube, forged seamless aluminum tube, aluminum square tube, aluminum elbow, aluminum plate, patterned aluminum plate, 3-rib small pattern aluminum plate, aluminum coil, aluminum row, aluminum rod and other products.
 Tianjin China Aluminum New Material Group Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise integrating processing, sales and integration, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation. Since its establishment, the company has built its brand by integrity, and has taken "science and technology as the source, customer-oriented, cooperation first, and win-win as the main" as the company's business philosophy. The company's main products: aluminum tube, forged seamless aluminum tube, aluminum square tube, aluminum elbow, aluminum plate, patterned aluminum plate, 3-rib small pattern aluminum plate, aluminum coil, aluminum row, aluminum rod and other products.
 Tianjin China Aluminum New Material Group Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise integrating processing, sales and integration, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation. Since its establishment, the company has built its brand by integrity, and has taken "science and technology as the source, customer-oriented, cooperation first, and win-win as the main" as the company's business philosophy. The company's main products: aluminum tube, forged seamless aluminum tube, aluminum square tube, aluminum elbow, aluminum plate, patterned aluminum plate, 3-rib small pattern aluminum plate, aluminum coil, aluminum row, aluminum rod and other products.
 Tianjin China Aluminum New Material Group Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise integrating processing, sales and integration, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation. Since its establishment, the company has built its brand by integrity, and has taken "science and technology as the source, customer-oriented, cooperation first, and win-win as the main" as the company's business philosophy. The company's main products: aluminum tube, forged seamless aluminum tube, aluminum square tube, aluminum elbow, aluminum plate, patterned aluminum plate, 3-rib small pattern aluminum plate, aluminum coil, aluminum row, aluminum rod and other products.

Tianjin Chinalco New Material Group Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise integrating processing, sales and integration, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation. Since its inception, the company has built its brand by virtue of integrity, and taken "technology as the source, customer orientation, cooperation as the first, win-win" as its business philosophy. Main products of the company: aluminum tubes, forged seamless aluminum tubes, aluminum square tubes, aluminum elbows, alum…

Good reputation comes from the dedication to product quality